Gender Based Violence Prevention and Response (GVB PR II)
Donor | UNFPA Nepal
Project Period | July 2021-June 2024
Goal: Reduction of all forms of GBV and discrimination against women and girls in two provinces of Nepal
Outcome: Local governments, legal authorities, and health facilities provide effective (multi-sectoral) survivor-centered responses to Gender-Based Violence
- Government and non-governmental actors have enhanced capacities for the provision of quality services through temporary shelter homes for survivors
- The health sector has enhanced capacities for the provision of quality services through one-stop crisis management centers, health posts and network of female community health workers
- Local governments have enhanced capacities to provide community-based psychosocial services, which are institutionally linked through the referral pathways
- Informal and quasi-justice systems are strengthened to mediate GBV cases through a gender transformative approach
ABC Nepal, Centre for Mental Health and Counselling (CMC) Nepal, Forum for Women, Law and Development(FWLD), and Saathi