Agency and Community
Empowering civil societies for safe abortion and reproductive health and rights
At Ipas Nepal, we understand that change starts with empowering civil societies. Our initiatives focus on enhancing their capacity and continuous engagement in advocating for sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR). Ipas Nepal works together with our partners at federal, provincial, and local levels, creating a safe and enabling environment for progressive SRHR changes. Empowered civil societies like Natural Leaders, Champions , partners and likeminded organizations have helped to reduce stigma, harmful social norms, and discrimination, fostering a community that supports SRHR and safe abortion services for everybody.

Empowering adolescent and youth
Through Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health (ASRHR) training for adolescent and youth leaders, Ipas Nepal aims to raise awareness about sexual and reproductive health, including safe abortion. Ipas Nepal has developed a dedicated 3 days’ package on ASRHR. Ipas Nepal has trained and mobilize youth and adolescents in the community and schools to aware and advocate on pertinent issues of SRHR including bodily autonomy, contraception and SAS.
Training and mobilization of Natural Leaders
Natural leaders, self-mobilized women and girls from the marginalized communities, are trained and equipped with vital knowledge and skills to advocate and lobby on an array of SRHR issues like gender-based violence, sexual health, reproductive health, sexual rights, reproductive rights, dignified menstruation and safe abortion. Natural leaders are catalysts for change in their family and powerful voices in the community. Natural Leaders conduct community awareness sessions, family dialogues, campaigns etc. on SRHR, gender equality, GBV, and child marriage, reaching out to various community networks like cooperatives, youth groups, and women’s networks. Natural Leaders also advocate issues related to SRHR/SAS with local government and service provider.
Engaging men and boys
Achieving gender equality and full attainment of SRHR for women and girls is hard without the engagement of men and boys in gender-transformative ways as users, partners, and advocates in promoting SRHR and safe abortion. Thus, Ipas Nepal builds the capacity of men and boys on SRHR through the capacity strengthening training focusing on SRH partnership, their roles and responsibility in SRHR, and mobilize them in community for SRHR awareness linking with Natural leaders.
Community Health Score Board
The Community Health Score Board (CHSB) is a two-way and ongoing participatory tool for assessment, planning, monitoring and evaluation of services. It is easy to use and can be adapted into any sector where there is a service delivery scenario. The Community Health Score Board brings together the demand side (“service user”) and the supply side (“service provider”) of a particular health service or program to jointly analyze issues underlying service delivery problems and find a common and shared way of addressing those issues through open interface dialogue. It is an exciting way to increase participation, accountability and transparency between service users, providers, and decision makers. We at Ipas Nepal coordinate and support municipals to conduct CHSB meeting Regards SRHR/SAS for ensuring enabling environment for SRHR services.
SRH Media fellowships
Ipas Nepal engages with media persons and orient female journalists regarding gender, climate justice, SRHR and its impact on women’s lives through SRH media fellowship. This helps in promoting evidence-based journalism, politically correct feature of SRH related news and to disseminate the information regarding SRHR including safe abortion services and identifying gaps in accessing the SRH services and SAS service. The fellows has produced the collection of featured news through investigative journalism, developed Zingles on SRHR and advocating for women’s access to SRH and SAS services.
Co-creation approach
Partnerships are established with the objective to share vision, risks, burden, resources and accelerate the impacts. Partnership carries components like cooperation and collaboration between and among Ipas and other organizations for a shared objective. Ipas Nepal understands its role to establish and foster partnership based on mutual trust, respect and equity. Ipas Nepal partners with range of partners and promotes mutual learnings from different sectors—public, private, civil society organizations, academic and research institutions, development partners, among others.
Movement building
Through capacity strengthening, awareness raising sessions, Value Clarification and Action Transformations (VCAT) and advocacy, Ipas Nepal is fostering movement building on gender an SRHR together with marginalized women and adolescent, community stakeholders and policy makers. These initiatives and collective actions also helped in changing power relations in the families and the communities, helped in mainstreaming gender and SRHR in local plans and policies and strengthened resilient SRH health system.